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Basic Mathematics - Free Download

REVIEW SHEETS BASIC MATHEMATICS MATH A Summary of Concepts Needed to be Successful in Mathematics The following sheets list the key concepts that are taught in the specified math course. The sheets present concepts in the order they are taught and give examples of their use. Basic Math Solved! is a mathematical tool designed to solve YOUR basic math problems step-by-step – straight from the textbook!Basic Math Solved! covers all the basic mathematics, from addition and subtraction to introductory SSC All Maths Books Free PDF Download NOW, SSC CGL Maths BOOK, SSC CHSL Maths BOOK, SSC CPO Maths BOOK, SSC JE Maths BOOK, SSC MTS Maths BOOK, SSC SI Maths BOOK, SSC STENO Maths BOOK.

basic mathematics pdf download

Basic mathematics pdf download

To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. James Barasa. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Nzimbi received his B. D in Pure Mathematics from University of Nairobiwhere he wrote his thesis in the area of Operator Theory under the direction of Prof. In writing this book, I was guided by my long-standing experience and interest in teach- ing Basic Mathematics. The book is based on my lecture notes for the course entitled Basic Mathematics.

For the student, basic mathematics pdf download, my purpose was to introduce students studying sciences and social sciences all the mathematical foundations they need for their future studies: elemen- tary theory of sets, logic, basic mathematics pdf download, counting techniques, relations and trigonometry and to treat a number of practical basic mathematics pdf download from every-day situations to the biological, physical and social sciences.

This enables them to have an understanding of important mathematical concepts together with a sense of why these concepts are basic mathematics pdf download for applications. I hope I have accomplished these goals without watering down the material. This text is designed as a one-semester introduction to mathematics course to be taken by students in a wide variety of majors, including mathematics, actuarial science, statis- tics, chemistry, physics, meteorology, geology, computer basic mathematics pdf download, economics, business and other social sciences.

High school algebra is the only explicit prerequisite. Chapter two contains elementary logic. Chapter Special Features of this Book Accessibility: There are no mathematical prerequisites beyond high school algebra for this text. Each chapter begins at an easily understood and accessible level. The depen- dence of chapters has been minimized. Each chapter is divided into sections and each section is divided into subsections that form natural blocks of material for teaching, basic mathematics pdf download.

Instructors can easily pace their lectures using these blocks. Writing Style: The writing style of this book is direct and pragmatic. Precise mathematical language is used without excessive formalism and abstraction. Notations are introduced and used when appropriate. Care has been taken to balance the mix of notation and words in mathematical statements. Figures and Tables: Figures and tables in this book are carefully presented and illustrated.

The central concept in this chapter revolves around a set, which is simply a collection, group, conglomerate, aggregate of objects. All fundamental tools of elementary set theory as needed in mathematics and elsewhere in the sciences and social sciences are included in detailed exposition in this chapter.

Example 1. We use lowercase letters of the alphabet to represent elements of a set. It is a set that arises in a variety of guises. Clearly A has no elements since the square of any real number is non-negative. It is clear that B is empty. We also say that A is contained in B. Two sets A and B are said to be equal if and only if they contain exactly the same elements.

This is called the Principle of Extensionality. Theorem 1. Note that neither order nor repetition is of importance or relevance for a general set. The set containing exactly the natural numbers 1 and 2. Remark 1. Lemma 1, basic mathematics pdf download. There exists only one set with no elements.

Assume A and B are sets with no elements. Then every element of A is an element of B since A has no elements. Similarly, every element of B is an element of A since B has no elements, basic mathematics pdf download. The number of elements in a set A is called the cardinality of A, and is denoted n A or A.

A set with one element is called a singleton set. It is also called the universe of discourse or simply universe. If one considers the set of men and women, then a universal set is probably the set of human beings.

If one considers sets such as pigs, cows, chickens, or horses, the universal set is probably the set of animals. Given two or more sets, basic mathematics pdf download, we can basic mathematics pdf download a new set using these operations.

Complement of a Set Let U be the universal set and let A be any set. Union of Sets Let A and B be sets, basic mathematics pdf download. Intersection of Sets Let A and Basic mathematics pdf download be sets. If this is the case, we say that A and B do not intersect. A special class of such sets is the power set. In other words, the power set of A is the collection of all subsets of A.

Suppose A has n elements. Set Operation Symbol 1. Intersection of basic mathematics pdf download disjoint sets A and B Figure 1. U nion of two disjoint sets A and B Figure 1. The the Elements Argument method, which gives a detailed explanation is more rigor- ous than Venn diagrams techniques and is the more preferred method for proving results in set theory.

This method is known as the Elements Argument or set membership method or formal proof, basic mathematics pdf download. Prove that a. Although counting may appear to be a rather elementary exercise, in practice it can be extremely complex and rather subtle. A counting problem is one that requires us to determine the number of elements in a set. The above principle easily generalizes to the following, which can be proved formally using mathematical induction see chapter 2. The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle can be extended to more than two sets.

In general we have the generalized Inclusion-Exclusion Principle: Theorem 1. How many freshmen are studying either computer language? Solution a. This problem can be solved using a venn diagram. Figure 1. Of these people, had degrees of any sort in business, had undergraduate degrees in business, and had postgraduate degrees in business.

How many presidents had both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business? How many presidents had no undergraduate and no postgraduate degree in business? How many presidents had undergraduate degree in business and no postgraduate degree in business? How many presidents had at most one degree?

That is,exactly of the presidents had both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business. That is, exactly of the presidents had no undergraduate degree and no postgraduate degree in business.

The problem can be represented in A Venn diagram as below: Figure 1. At most one degree means either undergraduate or postgraduate degrees but not both. Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information Using your Venn diagram together with the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle where need bedetermine b.

At least two of the media means we add : 50,60, 20 and 30 to get Exactly one of the media means Radio basic mathematics pdf download or Television only or Newspapers only. Now consider set M. However, this is not necessary to answer the three parts of the question.

We begin this section by studying the decomposition of the real line into the following subsets: 1. Note that N is closed with respect to the usual addition and usual multiplication but not with respect to usual subtraction.

The set of natural numbers consists of the dark points on Fig. Note that W is closed with respect to usual addition and multiplication but not under subtraction. The set of whole numbers consist of the numbers represented by the dark dots in Fig 1. Z is closed with respect to usual addition and usual multiplication. Note that the sets of basic mathematics pdf download and irrationals are disjoint.

Graphically, R is represented by the real number line and called the real number system. This means that a rational number is either rational or irrational but not both. Determine a. For convenience, we use A to denote the complement of a set A.

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Basic mathematics pdf download

basic mathematics pdf download

SSC All Maths Books Free PDF Download NOW, SSC CGL Maths BOOK, SSC CHSL Maths BOOK, SSC CPO Maths BOOK, SSC JE Maths BOOK, SSC MTS Maths BOOK, SSC SI Maths BOOK, SSC STENO Maths BOOK. Download Mathematics Books for FREE. All formats available for PC, Mac, eBook Readers and other mobile devices. PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT. Published: Jul Downloads: A reference for students in basic Algebra covering topics on counting numbers and phrases, equalities and inequalities, addition, subtraction, signed number phrases. Examples: Decimals on the Number Line Example 5 a) Plot on the number line with a black dot. b) Plot with a green dot. Solution: For we split the segment from 0 to 1 on the number line into ten equal pieces between 0 and 1 and then count.

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